Radio Journalism

Claire’s BBC radio work includes many interviews that tell the personal stories behind the news.  You’ll find examples of those as well as more analytical pieces on this page.

Most recently, for BBC Radio’s File on 4, an investigation into the impact of Coronavirus on the UK’s mental health

And for the same programme strand On Whose Authority? is a documentary on poor decision making over care for people with learning disabilities. It came about as a direct result of an earlier investigation into poor care and housing for people with learning disabilities in the UK

Other BBC programmes include;

The business of managing volunteers. A huge and vital part of the workforce but often under-appreciated or less effective than they might be.  But if you don’t pay these workers, how do you get them to show up and do the work you need them to do?

Meeting the enterprising youngsters who, at just 16 years of age, ran for Governor in the US state of Kansas.

How the opioid epidemic in the US is having a devastating impact on the work force, shrinking the pool of available labour in places worst hit.

A documentary from Boston on the highly restrictive employment laws that can stop workers leaving for new jobs.

A series of programmes on women – as individuals and in groups – tackling domestic violence in three different countries. Indonesia, Uganda and Peru.  Broadcast as the Behind Closed Doors series on BBC World Service.

On assignment in St. Louis County, the debtors jails filled with people who can’t pay excessive traffic fines. It’s how the multiple municipalities in this Missouri county raise funds. But does that fuel racial tensions of the sort seen in Ferguson?  The Bizarre Workings of St Louis County Missouri

In a series of thought-provoking debates, Claire Bolderson looks at something another country does well, or differently, and asks if it could work in the UK. “Would That Work Here?” – Wednesday Debate with Claire Bolderson

In a documentary for BBC Radio’s Crossing Continents program, originally aired December 12th 2013, Claire reports from Indonesia where the government is trying to set up the biggest national health system in the world. Hear about this ambitious plan – and the enormous obstacles to achieving it:

Listen via the BBC here:Claire Bolderson – Indonesia’s Humungous Health Plan

Or listen right here on Claire’s site:

      1. CC: Indonesia's humungous healthcare plan - Claire Bolderson - 12 Dec 2013 - BBC Radio 4 - Claire Bolderson

Claire Bolderson reports – Indonesia’s Humungous Health Plan

An encounter with two elderly ladies, Maureen and Mary on a North East England sea front. A local steel plant had closed just before the 2010 general election and the governing Labour Party got the blame. 

      2. Maureen and Mary in Redcar

Claire Bolderson interviews market stall holder in Uganda


As world leaders discussed poverty in Africa in 2005, Claire went to Uganda to report on entrepreneurs trying to get new businesses off the ground. 

      3. Uganda Business



In 2008 Claire broadcast a whole edition of the BBC’s Newshour live from Havana. Hear what it’s like to go shopping for food in Cuba. 

      4. Shopping in Cuba



A story about one of the thousands of US soldiers who’ve returned home from Iraq with brain injuries.  Claire went to Silvania, Ohio to meet Lisa and hear about her injured son Matthew.

      5. Iraq war injury


Claire has also made numerous radio documentaries for the BBC. Most recently, Latinos USA for Radio 4 and World Service.

After the arrests of a number of US born Muslims on terrorism related charges  Claire went to talk to young American Muslims about their lives in the US.

      6. American and Muslim

In 2011, Claire made two documentaries comparing how the United Nations handled the civil wars in Libya and Ivory Coast. 

      7. Wars of Diplomacy Part 1
      8. Wars of Diplomacy Part 2

Claire regularly presents Profile on BBC Radio 4.  The 15 minute programme gives listeners a rounded picture of a person currently making headlines.

Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia

      9. Jimmy Wales Profile

The man running the inquiry into the press in the UK, Lord Justice Leveson

      10. Lord Justice Leveson Profile

Paul Ryan, 2012 Republican Vice Presidential nominee

      11. BBC Profile Paul Ryan

Listeners having trouble with the on-site player may download individual .mp3s here:

      12. Maureen and Mary in Redcar
(.mp3 , 1 min 48s , 1.66 mb)
      13. Uganda Business
(.mp3 , 9 min 30s , 3.3 mb)
      14. Shopping in Cuba
(.mp3 , 4 min 12s , 3.9 mb)
      15. Iraq war injury
(.mp3 5 min 27s , 5.0 mb)
      16. American and Muslim

      17. Wars of Diplomacy Part 1

      18. Wars of Diplomacy Part 2

      19. Profile: Jimmy Wales

      20. Profile: Lord Justice Leveson

      21. Profile: Paul Ryan