If, as Oscar Wilde once wrote, a cynic is “a man who knows…
(Part 2 of my story about the chaos that’s followed the awarding of a…
I’m about to lose the zero-hours job I love. Maybe “lose” isn’t the right…
David Cameron wants to replace “the country’s most run down housing estates,” with “attractive…
Mr Patel closed his newsagents a few months ago. Shortly after that, the 75…
Michael Gove may have left the Department for Education but his Gradgrindian spirit lives…
I’m all for breaking down the barriers between private and state education. But I…
Here’s how politics now works in the UK. A politician sends out an ill-considered…
Never mind the squabbling over sterling and North Sea oil, Scotland. There’s a very…
When it comes to preventing extremist or radical influences in schools, the government doesn’t…